Employment Barriers (EB)
The Employment Barriers (EB) was designed for evaluating clients' ""barriers to employment."" Screening for employment barriers allows problems to be identified and treated according to their severity.
EB is a 116 item self-report test that is written at a low 6th grade reading level. It can be completed in 25 minutes. Scored EB reports are available on-site within 2? minutes of data entry. EB problem screening speeds up intervention, treatment and help.
The Employment Barriers Scales
- Degree of Confidence Scale
- Work Orientation Scale
- Self-Esteem Scale
- Alcohol Scale
- Drug Scale
- Stress Management Scale
Staff working with hard-to-employ or employment-challenged individuals benefit from EB screening. Programs include, but aren't limited to, Work Readiness, Vocational Rehabilitation, Health and Community Services, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), Human Resource Departments, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA).
For more information visit: www.Employment-Barriers.com (this website will open in a new window)