Valid, Reliable and Accurate Evidence-Based Assessment Instruments or Tests.
Who Uses Online Testing tests?
Psychologists, psychiatrists, adult and juvenile courts, clinicians, outpatient counselors, inpatient staff, substance (alcohol/drug) counselors, domestic violence offender assessors, DUI/DWI offender programs, and mental health professionals. tests are used in adult and juvenile courts, probation departments, diversion programs, domestic violence offender assessment, substance (alcohol/drug) abuse assessment, and corrections (detention, jails, penitentiaries, and prisons). In addition, BDS tests are used by private practitioners, psychologists, counselors and other mental health professionals.
Online-testing assessment instruments or tests are used in a wide variety of assessment settings. Perhaps the best single source of Online tests websites (each test has its own website) is
Online Tests Administered to date.
Specific Tests for Specific Assessment Purposes.
Assessments For:
Valid, Reliable and Accurate Evidence-Based Assessment Instruments or Tests.
Anxiety Depression Assessment
The ADA is used to assess clients (patients) that have anxiety and/or depression problems.
Sexual Adjustment Inventory
The Sexual Adjustment Inventory (SAI) identifies sexual deviance and paraphilias in people accused or convicted of sex offenses. The SAI is an evidence based assessment instrument or test with impressive reliability, validity and accuracy.
Anger Agression Violence Assessment
A test that focuses on anger, aggression and violence.
Alcohol Drug Screen
An adult evidence-based assessment instrument that focuses specifically on alcohol and drug use or abuse.
Forensic Violence Index
An evidence based self-report assessment instrument or test that focuses on violence.
Gambler Index
The Gambler Index (GI) is specifically designed for gambler assessment.
Early detection of domestic violence perpetrators facilitates timely intervention and treatment.
Sexual Adjustment Inventory
Designed for adult sex offender assessment.
DUI/DWI Offender Test
Now that some states have passed medical marijuana statutes (laws) and others are decriminalizing marijuana use, Driving Under the Influence - Cannabis is becoming more common. Consequentely, marijuana use screening has become an important part of DUI/DWI offender assessment.
Screening for Employment Barriers
Screening for employment challenges allows problems to be identified and treated according to problem severity.
The Employment Barriers was designed for evaluating the unemployment for barriers to employment.
DVI Pre-Post
The DVI Pre-Post does not interpret, judge or state opinions about treatment program effectiveness. It simply reports positive or negative changes in DVI Pre-Post scale scores. The intent is to objectively report pretest - posttest change.
Driver Risk Inventory - 2
Designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. Administered to over 1 3/4 million DUI/DWI offenders.
Juvenile Detention Exam
The Juvenile Detention Exam (JDE) is specifically designed for juvenile (male and female) detention/confinement assessment and screening.