Anxiety Depression Assessment (ADA)
The Anxiety-Depression Assessment (ADA) is an evidence based self-report anxiety-depression assessment instrument or test. The ADA is used by clinicians, psychologists, counselors, probation officers and mental health practitioners.
The Anxiety-Depression Assessment (ADA) is a 151-item self-report test that takes approximately 25 minutes to complete. It has been standardized on male and female adults.
- Truthfulness Scale
- Depression Scale
- Generalized Anxiety Scale
- Social Anxiety Scale
- Agoraphobia Scale
- Panic Disorder Scale
- Specific Phobia Scale
- Self-Esteem Scale
The Anxiety-Depression Assessment (ADA) facilitates early problem identification, which enables accurate matching of problem severity with treatment intensity. Specific risk-related intervention (meetings or classes) and treatment (counseling or psychotherapy) recommendations are given for each domain (scale).